Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to tell everyone to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Be safe when you drive home from school and hopefully it's a snowy christmas! Hope everyone enjoys the holidays with family and friends! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

popular culture last blog post

I don't agree with Klosterman when he says that the internet has taken over television and traditional print media. If this was the case then magazines or newspapers wouldn't be printed as much. I understand that things are so much easier when you have the internet and that is how people get their news but who doesn't like to read a good sports section in the mornings. People have a hard time trusting the internet because anyone can post whatever they want. But I do also find it hard to trust the newspapers as well. The major thing with the internet is google, shopping, facebook, and twitter. All are major websites used daily! As for television, there are tons of television shows on and if you miss one the good thing about internet is you could always watch a show online if you weren't able to watch the night it was aired.

Monday, December 12, 2011

extra blog post #5

It's finals week!

With break right around the corner, thats all anyone could think about, not finals, not studying, but christmas and presents and going home to family! We get 1 whole month to do nothing but spend time with friends and family. But in order to get the joys of christmas break we have to go through that week of finals, which we all know in reality is 2 weeks of finals due to studying the week before. so load up the coffee pots, get the pencils and dig your head in your books cause this week is going to be a rough one! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!! and a Happy New Year!! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

popular culture extra post #4


With Christmas right around the corner, 13 nieces and nephews, 5 brothers and sisters, mom and dad, and my pup Griffey I am stressssed to the max! Money here money there present here present there. Finding time to shop!! I know i'm not the only one dealing with the stressed of Christmas. We all just need to take a few steps back and realize the actual meaning of Christmas and we need to cheer up and be happy. For some reason i've been telling myself that for the past couple weeks!! It will all be worth it in the end! :)

popular culture extra post #3

Kim Kardashian


Look at the "happy" couple. Kim Kardashian and beau Kris Humphress make me sick! With her 5 million dollar ring, billion dollar wedding and then 70 something days later their divorce. She is the 2011 version of Paris Hilton. I used to like Kim, she was probably one of my favorites about 2-3 years ago. Now that she is an attention whore i can't even look at her, not to mention one of my friends showed me her sex tape and that was just awkward. This world has so much more stuff to worry about than her 72 day marriage. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

popular culture #9

If I had to choose one film to represent our generation like Star Wars did back then I would definitely have to say Twilight. Although Twilight made its debut in 2008 it became in instant success. Like Star Wars theres the guy the girls wish they had and the guys wish they were. Luke Skywalker and Edward Cullen play totally different characters but are similar in many ways. Then theres always a villain, Darth Vader is Twilights Laurant, Victoria, and James. Both movies became instant successes and I truly believe Twilight will be around for many many years, just as Star Wars is, and i'm sure always will be.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

popular culture #8

How real is reality television? The perception of reality TV is that it's suppose to be real, people being followed around by cameras living normal life. Take the real world for example, like Chuck Klosterman used in his story. There is 7 strangers chosen to live in a house together for the summer, how real can you be? I don't believe reality TV, I enjoy watching it and unfortunately totally addicted to it but I still don't think its real. In reality TV we are always expecting someone to be the villain. There's always the bluntly honest and disrespectful person. There is always a black person, and there is always an emotional gay guy. That is what we expect from reality TV. Oh as well as DRAMA and SEX!! There is your typical reality show!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

popular culture #7

Hip-hop is stereotyped with thugs, gangsters, low lives and losers. Country is stereotyped with loners and stupid. For years these stereotypes have been around and for years to come i'm sure these stereotypes will still be here. People are driven to country music because the songs are about love, their country, break-ups and drinking, things most Americans know pretty well, which is why country is such a popular genre. People are driven to hip hop because the songs are things people think just don't say are do. A lot of people express themselves through music. I express myself through all types of music, hip hop, country, rock. For me, music is my therapy, whenever i'm upset, stressed, happy or sad, music is always my escape.

popular culture #6

Technology get more and more advanced year after year. The thing is weather it's beneficial or useless or maybe even harmful. I personally think that by inventing the computer it has been both beneficial and harmful. Beneficial because more jobs were created and the information and records you can find on the computer. Harmful because you don't know what kind of information is true or false, bullying is at is high due to cyber bullying. There for computers are both beneficial and harmful to the society, but I do believe that they are more beneficial than harmful. As for the years to come things could change and we will find more bad than good.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

popular culture #6

This week we have talked about masculinity and violence in men and the media. When I think about all 3 categories in the same category I think about WWF and UFC. When little boys see things like this a part of me does believe that it effects them. Men have this side to them that HAS to be tough and masculine so they think that fighting and violence is part of the norm. If a man is not as tough and big as some other men they get degraded by others, being called gay, faggots, bitches etc. So if you're not tough and muscular your not a "real man." 
In the video Tough Guise 85% of murders and done by men, 90% of all violence related acts are done by men, 99.8% of people in jail for rape ore men. 10 school shootings in 3 years and all done by boys. As these statistics show most violence related acts, sexual assaults and murders are done by men. 

popular culture extra post #2


In one our reading from Monday we read This is Zodiac Speaking which talks about serial killers and the fascination people have with serial killers, which is true. People are fascinated by the fact of someone murdering numerous amounts of people. Jeffery Dahmer, Zodiac, Gacey, BTK, all of which are known serial killers. If you were to have 2 newspapers one of which is talking about the war and how 5 US soldiers were killed fighting for our country and the other being about a series of brutal murders, 7to 8 out of 10 people will pick up the newspaper about the murders. We all know that soldiers being killed fighting for our country is sad and horrible and we all feel for them but the more exciting story is a bout local girls getting kidnapped and cut to pieces, but sadly enough thats what our society has become.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

popular culture extra post #1


In class today (10/6) we watched a video,Tough Guise. In the video there was a section that talked about men being vulnerable. Saying men who cry are pussies and fags. That really bothered me because everybody has feelings, every body feels pain, everybody feel hurt, just like everybody feels other emotions like happiness. So to say that it's wrong for men to cry is like saying its wrong for somebody to smile. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

popular culture #5

When you think of sports you think of strength. Strength to tackle a man in football. Strength to wrestle someone in a wrestling match. When thinking of strength you think of masculine. When you think of masculine you think of men. It's almost inevitable to think of a men and sports and not think of them being strong and masculine. As a society we promote sports so strongly to young men because men are the "it" gender when it comes to sports. NFL, MLB, NBA, NH, etc. Each of those are some of the most popular sports in which players get paid bank, all of which are for males. That being one of the reasons we promote sports strongly to young men.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

popular culture #4

In the reading by Chuck Klosterman, This is Emo, he how women are wrapped up in the fake romance in movies and TV shows. He gives the example of John Cusack in the movie Say Anything. John Cusack's character is charming and romantic, everything a girl wants and dreams of. The problem when it comes to romantic movies and women is that they fill their heads with the thought that the men they date should act like the men they see on movies, so when they don't live up to the standards women have it's practically ruined. Klosterman is completely right when he explains that women have high standards for men because of romance movies they have watched.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

popular culture #3

You're looking at a billboard on the side of the road and you see this beautiful model and you think to yourself that she is one of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen and you envy every thing about her, but in reality everything that you see on that billboard has been completely change, cropped and edited. That girl that you envy on the billboard doesn't exist. So what are young girls suppose to think that when they see a picture of a pretty girl and realize that nobody looks like that, nobody is that pretty. It's the same for celebrities in magazines, in person they could be a size 5 and a medium but when you see them on the cover of a magazine they are a size 0 and an extra small. I find this to be odd and unnecessary. Everybody is so wrapped up in wanting to be perfect looking that they take such drastic unhealthy measures. I think that everybody needs to love themselves in their own bodies and if you don't you need to take the healthy rout and eat healthy and exercise. Starving yourself and making yourself puke are the wrong answers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

popular culture #2

Sex and sexiness have been apart of society forever. Not only has it been around for so long but the definition and its meaning have changed. What we consider sex now in the sense of negativity is dirty and sloppy. It causes diseases and if not protected correctly unplanned pregnancies. On a more positive note sex is what people consider fun and it's what they do when they are wanting to make little babies. I believe that there are people in this society who view sexiness too much in depth that they ruin themselves trying to look like someone they aren't. Plastic surgery for instance, people will pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to enhance they way they look, to make themselves sexier. So I believe we are harmed in the sense of how we think of sexiness.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

popular culture #1

In my world internet is the answer for everything. I use the internet for communicating, learning, shopping and browsing. There is Facebook for communicating,  Google for learning anything and everything, numerous sites for shopping, and You Tube for entertainment. In today's society internet is inevitable and technology is so advanced that with just a push of a button on a phone or an ipod you can be on Google or Facebook. It's crazy how far we have come with technology and the internet I can't imagine what there will be in store for us within the next few years.