Wednesday, November 9, 2011

popular culture #6

Technology get more and more advanced year after year. The thing is weather it's beneficial or useless or maybe even harmful. I personally think that by inventing the computer it has been both beneficial and harmful. Beneficial because more jobs were created and the information and records you can find on the computer. Harmful because you don't know what kind of information is true or false, bullying is at is high due to cyber bullying. There for computers are both beneficial and harmful to the society, but I do believe that they are more beneficial than harmful. As for the years to come things could change and we will find more bad than good.

1 comment:

  1. How many times does a person have to hear about a kid being bullied over the internet and a child taking their own life beacuse of it. Don't you think that kids losing their lives over cyber bulling or being bullied in general is a bad enough situation that we can say the internet is bad. Doesn't matter how many jobs people find on here, or how much useful information we find, it'll never bring those kids back? What's being acessed really needs to be monitored you never know how is taking your info, and what and where preditors will appear? Evan as adults we need to be careful what we put over the net.
