Wednesday, November 9, 2011

popular culture #7

Hip-hop is stereotyped with thugs, gangsters, low lives and losers. Country is stereotyped with loners and stupid. For years these stereotypes have been around and for years to come i'm sure these stereotypes will still be here. People are driven to country music because the songs are about love, their country, break-ups and drinking, things most Americans know pretty well, which is why country is such a popular genre. People are driven to hip hop because the songs are things people think just don't say are do. A lot of people express themselves through music. I express myself through all types of music, hip hop, country, rock. For me, music is my therapy, whenever i'm upset, stressed, happy or sad, music is always my escape.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure that hip-hop songs don't speak to people in the same ways that country songs do?
