Tuesday, November 29, 2011

popular culture #9

If I had to choose one film to represent our generation like Star Wars did back then I would definitely have to say Twilight. Although Twilight made its debut in 2008 it became in instant success. Like Star Wars theres the guy the girls wish they had and the guys wish they were. Luke Skywalker and Edward Cullen play totally different characters but are similar in many ways. Then theres always a villain, Darth Vader is Twilights Laurant, Victoria, and James. Both movies became instant successes and I truly believe Twilight will be around for many many years, just as Star Wars is, and i'm sure always will be.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

popular culture #8

How real is reality television? The perception of reality TV is that it's suppose to be real, people being followed around by cameras living normal life. Take the real world for example, like Chuck Klosterman used in his story. There is 7 strangers chosen to live in a house together for the summer, how real can you be? I don't believe reality TV, I enjoy watching it and unfortunately totally addicted to it but I still don't think its real. In reality TV we are always expecting someone to be the villain. There's always the bluntly honest and disrespectful person. There is always a black person, and there is always an emotional gay guy. That is what we expect from reality TV. Oh as well as DRAMA and SEX!! There is your typical reality show!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

popular culture #7

Hip-hop is stereotyped with thugs, gangsters, low lives and losers. Country is stereotyped with loners and stupid. For years these stereotypes have been around and for years to come i'm sure these stereotypes will still be here. People are driven to country music because the songs are about love, their country, break-ups and drinking, things most Americans know pretty well, which is why country is such a popular genre. People are driven to hip hop because the songs are things people think just don't say are do. A lot of people express themselves through music. I express myself through all types of music, hip hop, country, rock. For me, music is my therapy, whenever i'm upset, stressed, happy or sad, music is always my escape.

popular culture #6

Technology get more and more advanced year after year. The thing is weather it's beneficial or useless or maybe even harmful. I personally think that by inventing the computer it has been both beneficial and harmful. Beneficial because more jobs were created and the information and records you can find on the computer. Harmful because you don't know what kind of information is true or false, bullying is at is high due to cyber bullying. There for computers are both beneficial and harmful to the society, but I do believe that they are more beneficial than harmful. As for the years to come things could change and we will find more bad than good.