Wednesday, October 12, 2011

popular culture #6

This week we have talked about masculinity and violence in men and the media. When I think about all 3 categories in the same category I think about WWF and UFC. When little boys see things like this a part of me does believe that it effects them. Men have this side to them that HAS to be tough and masculine so they think that fighting and violence is part of the norm. If a man is not as tough and big as some other men they get degraded by others, being called gay, faggots, bitches etc. So if you're not tough and muscular your not a "real man." 
In the video Tough Guise 85% of murders and done by men, 90% of all violence related acts are done by men, 99.8% of people in jail for rape ore men. 10 school shootings in 3 years and all done by boys. As these statistics show most violence related acts, sexual assaults and murders are done by men. 

popular culture extra post #2


In one our reading from Monday we read This is Zodiac Speaking which talks about serial killers and the fascination people have with serial killers, which is true. People are fascinated by the fact of someone murdering numerous amounts of people. Jeffery Dahmer, Zodiac, Gacey, BTK, all of which are known serial killers. If you were to have 2 newspapers one of which is talking about the war and how 5 US soldiers were killed fighting for our country and the other being about a series of brutal murders, 7to 8 out of 10 people will pick up the newspaper about the murders. We all know that soldiers being killed fighting for our country is sad and horrible and we all feel for them but the more exciting story is a bout local girls getting kidnapped and cut to pieces, but sadly enough thats what our society has become.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

popular culture extra post #1


In class today (10/6) we watched a video,Tough Guise. In the video there was a section that talked about men being vulnerable. Saying men who cry are pussies and fags. That really bothered me because everybody has feelings, every body feels pain, everybody feel hurt, just like everybody feels other emotions like happiness. So to say that it's wrong for men to cry is like saying its wrong for somebody to smile. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

popular culture #5

When you think of sports you think of strength. Strength to tackle a man in football. Strength to wrestle someone in a wrestling match. When thinking of strength you think of masculine. When you think of masculine you think of men. It's almost inevitable to think of a men and sports and not think of them being strong and masculine. As a society we promote sports so strongly to young men because men are the "it" gender when it comes to sports. NFL, MLB, NBA, NH, etc. Each of those are some of the most popular sports in which players get paid bank, all of which are for males. That being one of the reasons we promote sports strongly to young men.