Tuesday, September 27, 2011

popular culture #4

In the reading by Chuck Klosterman, This is Emo, he how women are wrapped up in the fake romance in movies and TV shows. He gives the example of John Cusack in the movie Say Anything. John Cusack's character is charming and romantic, everything a girl wants and dreams of. The problem when it comes to romantic movies and women is that they fill their heads with the thought that the men they date should act like the men they see on movies, so when they don't live up to the standards women have it's practically ruined. Klosterman is completely right when he explains that women have high standards for men because of romance movies they have watched.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

popular culture #3

You're looking at a billboard on the side of the road and you see this beautiful model and you think to yourself that she is one of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen and you envy every thing about her, but in reality everything that you see on that billboard has been completely change, cropped and edited. That girl that you envy on the billboard doesn't exist. So what are young girls suppose to think that when they see a picture of a pretty girl and realize that nobody looks like that, nobody is that pretty. It's the same for celebrities in magazines, in person they could be a size 5 and a medium but when you see them on the cover of a magazine they are a size 0 and an extra small. I find this to be odd and unnecessary. Everybody is so wrapped up in wanting to be perfect looking that they take such drastic unhealthy measures. I think that everybody needs to love themselves in their own bodies and if you don't you need to take the healthy rout and eat healthy and exercise. Starving yourself and making yourself puke are the wrong answers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

popular culture #2

Sex and sexiness have been apart of society forever. Not only has it been around for so long but the definition and its meaning have changed. What we consider sex now in the sense of negativity is dirty and sloppy. It causes diseases and if not protected correctly unplanned pregnancies. On a more positive note sex is what people consider fun and it's what they do when they are wanting to make little babies. I believe that there are people in this society who view sexiness too much in depth that they ruin themselves trying to look like someone they aren't. Plastic surgery for instance, people will pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to enhance they way they look, to make themselves sexier. So I believe we are harmed in the sense of how we think of sexiness.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

popular culture #1

In my world internet is the answer for everything. I use the internet for communicating, learning, shopping and browsing. There is Facebook for communicating,  Google for learning anything and everything, numerous sites for shopping, and You Tube for entertainment. In today's society internet is inevitable and technology is so advanced that with just a push of a button on a phone or an ipod you can be on Google or Facebook. It's crazy how far we have come with technology and the internet I can't imagine what there will be in store for us within the next few years.